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Policy and Criteria for Recognising a Professional Body and Registering a Professional Designation for the Purpose of the ActDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2012). Policy and Criteria for Recognising a Professional Body and Registering a Professional Designation for the Purpose of the Act. Pretoria: Government Printer.27 July 20123 April 2018
General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework and Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework of the National Qualification FrameworkDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2013). General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework and Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework of the National Qualification Framework. Pretoria: Government Printer.2 August 2013 
Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) PolicyDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2014). Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) Policy. Pretoria: Government Printer.29 October 2021
Policy for the General and Further  Education and Training Qualifications Sub-FrameworkDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2014). Policy for the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework. Pretoria: Government Printer.29 September 2014 
Higher Education Qualifications Sub-FrameworkDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2014). Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework. Pretoria: Government Printer.17 October 2014 
National Policy for the Implementation of the Recognition of Prior LearningDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2014). National Policy for the Implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning. Pretoria: Government Printer.10 October 2014 
National Policy and Criteria for Designing and Implementing Assessment for NQF Qualifications and Part-Qualifications and Professional Designation in South Africa
Department of Higher Education and Training. (2014). National Policy and Criteria for Designing and Implementing Assessment for NQF Qualifications and Part-Qualifications and Professional Designation in South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printer.28 November 2014 
Policy for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications FrameworkDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2014). Policy for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications Framework. Pretoria: Government Printer.2 December 2014 
Policy for Credit Accumulation, Exemption, Recognition and TransferDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2015). Policy for Credit Accumulation, Exemption, Recognition and Transfer. Pretoria: Government Printer.15 June 2015 
Policy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQF
Department of Higher Education and Training. (2015). Policy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQF. Pretoria: Government Printer.30 December 2015 
Articulation Policy for the Post-School Education and Training System of South AfricaDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2015). Articulation Policy for the Post-School Education and Training System of South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printer.13 January 2017 
Policy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQFDepartment of Higher Education and Training. (2017). Policy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQF. Pretoria: Government Printer.31 March 2017