Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges
PURPOSE The branch in the Department that is responsible for dealing with TVET Colleges is known as the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) branch and consists of the following programmes and sub-programmes:
TVET Chief Directorates - Programmes and Qualifications
- Systems Planning and Institutional Support
- Examinations and Assessments
- Financial Planning and Coordination
TVET Directorates - Programme and Curriculum Innovation
- Student Development and Support
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Curriculum Development and Support
- Institutional Funding
- Public TVET Colleges
- Private TVET Colleges
- Resulting and Certification
- Item Development and Marking
- Exam Management and Monitoring
- Lecturer Development
Office of the Deputy Director General: TVET
The purpose of the branch is to plan, develop, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programmes, assessment practices and systems for vocational and continuing education and training, including for technical and vocational education and training (TVET ) colleges and Community Education and Training Colleges.
General TVET Resources
Programmes and Qualifications Chief DirectorateProgrammes and Qualifications develops and maintains high quality vocational education and training programmes, supports the implementation of student support services, and provides leadership and support for the training and development of lecturers. Systems Planning and Institutional Support Chief DirectorateSystems Planning and Institutional Support provides the framework, coordination and support to TVET colleges for the efficient and effective management, governance and delivery of vocational and occupational programmes, and manages the TVET colleges' subsidies and transfers. It also regulates the provision of education and training by private education institutions offering qualifications registered on the general and further education and training sub-framework. Planning and Institutional Support Resources
Education Labour Relations and Conditions
Student Development and Support Directorate
Student Development and Support ResourcesCurriculum Development DirectorateCurriculum Development Resources
Chief Directorate: Financial Planning and Coordination Institutional Funding Directorate
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TVET College DIirectorate
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Public TVET College Resources Private TVET Colleges Resources
Examinations and Assessment Chief DirectorateThe National Examination and Assessment Directorate administers and manages the assessment in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges and Community Education.
The activities range from the registration of candidates for examination sittings and appointment of panellists to the setting, printing and distribution of question papers and culminate in the marking, resulting and certification of both TVET college. In addition, monitoring and support visits are undertaken to examination centres to ensure that examinations and assessment practices are being implemented in line with national policy. Examinations and Assessment Resources
Item Development and Marking Directorate
Item Development and Marking Resources
Resulting and Certification Directorate
Resulting and Certification Resources
Exam Management and Monitoring Directorate
Exam Management and Monitoring Resources Contact
Deputy Director-General Mr S Zungu Telephone +27 (0) 12 312 5791 Branch Coordinator Marilize Locke Telephone +27 (0) 12 312 5233 Designation | Name and Surname | Ext. | Deputy Director-General: TVET | Mr Sam Zungu
| 312 5791/5149 | Director: Building Development and Maintenance (CET and TVET) | Mr Steve Mommen | 312 5311/5520 | Chief Director: Financial Planning and Coordination | Mr Zirk Joubert | 312 5499/5753 | Director: Financial Planning | Mr Zweli Nonkwelo | 312 5454/5129 | Director: Lecturer Development and Support | Ms Sello Sethusha | 312 5046 | Chief Director: Examinations and Assessment | Ms Violet Tshetlo | 357 3892 3893 | Director: Item Development and Marking | Dr Daniel Ramoroka | 357 3892/3875 | Director: Examinations Management and Monitoring | Mr Leon Sinclair | 357 3931 | Director: Resulting and Certification | Mr Stanford Mphahlele | 357 3874/4219 | Chief Director: System Planning and Institutional Support | Mr Themba Msipha | 312 5580/1 | Director: Private Colleges | Dr Mandlenkosi Buthelezi | 312 6017/5672 | Director: TVET Monitoring and Evaluation | Dr Marietta Swart | 312 5068 | Director: TVET Governance and Management Support | Mr Amanuel Garza | 312 5105 | Chief Director: Programmes and Qualifications | Ms Aruna Singh | 312 5791/5149 | Director: Student Development and Support | Mr Richard Mediroe | 312 5470/78 | Director Curriculum Development and Support | Mr Walter Vele | 312 5455 | Chief Director: Special Project Unit | Mr Sabelo Buthelezi | 312 943 3202 | Chief Director: Curriculum and Programme Innovation | Ms Gerda Magnus | 312 5755/5756 | Project Manager: Campus Manager Project | Ms Patsy Garza | 312 5175/5823
| 2 million NSFAS funded by government since 2013 | 24 April 2017 - More than two million students studying at South Africa’s public Universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges have been funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) since 2013, the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande, has announced...more
TVET,Technical and Vocational Education and Training,public and private TVET colleges,TVET college examination papers, TVET list
