Skills Development The purpose of the Skills Development branch is to promote and monitor the national skills development strategy.Further, it is responsible for developing and implementing appropriate legislation and policies for a sustained quality and accessible post-school education and training system. OVERVIEWThe strategic objectives for this branch are: - To provide a dynamic interface between the workplace and learning institutions and to promote quality learning at work and for work
- To promote alignment of skills development outputs to the needs of the workplace and to the broader growth needs of the country's economy
- Provide funds to support projects that are national priorities in the national skills development strategy that advance the human resource development strategy of South Africa and that support the national skills authority in its work.
Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) Coordination DirectorateThis Directorate is responsible for: - Developing and maintaining a definitive list of scarce and critical skills and publishing an annual report on the state of skills
- Developing and communicating regulations for skills planning
National Skills AuthorityThis entity is responsible for: - Developing a national policy framework on work integrated learning
- Setting up a national integrated database and management information system on work integrated learning
National Skills FundThis entity is responsible for:
• Funding projects identified in the National Skills Development Plan 2030 as national properties • Funding projects related to the achievement of the purpose of the Skills Development Act as determined by the Director-General of Higher Education and Training, the Accounting Authority of the National Skills Fund • Funding activities undertaken by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, , the Executive Authority of the National Skills Fund to achieve a standard of good practice in terms of skills development. • Administering the fund within the prescribed limits as regulated.
This institute develops and implements an integrated learner registration management information system which is linked to provinces and regional structures. To achieve its objectives, INDLELA has the responsibility to: - Develop and maintain a database of learning programmes, including apprenticeships, learnerships and skills development programmes and training providers
- Implement the national artisan development programme
- National Registration of Artisan Regulation 2020
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- Develops and implement a strategy to support the SETAs in the achievement of NSDS targets in relation to learning programmes
- Ensures geographic access to and coordinate artisan trade testing nationally
- Implement an efficient and effective policy and process for the Organising Framework for Occupations
- Develop and implement accreditation and quality assurance systems for artisan skills development providers
DocumentsThis Directorate is responsible for: - Coordinating the development, implementation and monitoring of a web-based system to register all learning programmes within the post-school system that require Work Integrated Learning
- Ensuring that the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) system is integrated and linked with other systems within the post-school education
Significant changes have happened in the skills development landscape between 2011 and 2013, including:- The establishment of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
- The rationalisation of the SETA framework and the strengthening of the SETA administration controls
- The establishment of a consolidated national qualifications framework
- The shift of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS)
- from being a targets-driven strategy to an outcomes-driven strategy
- Moving towards a Green Economy.
Documents Contact
Branch Coordinator (Acting) Mr Sibande Duma Telephone +27 12 312 5341
| News

| Tracer study identifies 15 trades in demand
| 16 February 2017 – The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has identified trades that are in demand for the economy to at the level envisaged in the National Development Plan (NDP) such as diesel mechanics, instrument technicians, riggers, auto electricians and millwrights as a worrying threat to the economy. more
Did you know? The 10 most popular are electricians, welders, diesel mechanics, boiler makers, fitter and turners, automotive motor mechanics, riggers, plumbers, mechanical fitters and millwrights says the Department of Higher Education and Training.
Sector Education and Training Authority, SETA, National Skills Authority, SETA, INDLELA, Institute for the National Development of Learnerships, Employment Skills and Labour Assessments, WIL, Work Integrated Learning, Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
 Call for the nominations of the appointment of the chairperson for the QCTO for term ending 31 March 2025 |