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​​Administration​ - ​​​​​​​Corporate Services​​​​​

Administration​ - ​​​​​​​Corporate Services​​​​​


Provides corporate services management support to the Department and colleges in support of the attainment of its strategic objectives.


  1. Manage and monitor the provision of human resource management services
  2. Manage and facilitate the provision of financial management services (CFO)
  3. Manage the provision of service delivery and transformation programmes​

  • To ensure the establishment of a functional, effective, efficient and accessible DHET in its pursuance of a mandate which is to develop a skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path
  • To provide high quality people oriented service to branches of the department in line with the Batho Pele standards

  1. Call Centre and Presidential Hotline
  2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure Management and Support
  3. Logistical Services and Supply Chain Management
  4. Personnel Administration and Staffing Services
  5. Provincial Communications and Media Liaison
​​​​DHET takes over TVET and community colleges
DHET takes over TVET and community colleges
On 1 April, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) officially welcomed approximately 38 000 officials transferring from the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges, Adult Education and Training (AET) Centres, now called Community Colleges and AET and TVET Units in Provincial Education Departments...more

Did you know?

The inclusion of TVET and community colleges has boosted the employee base by close to 30,000. 


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Corporate services, ICT, information, communication & technology, communication, call centre, media liaison, security services, logistics, supply chain, staffing services, asset management​