Community Education and Training
OverviewThe 2013 White Paper for Post-School Education and Training provides for the establishment of community education and training colleges that targets post-school youth and adults who wish to raise the base for further learning, improve their skills for employability and/or progression to opportunities in the TVET colleges and university education. Nine community colleges, one in each province, have been established and include the incorporation of 3,279 adult education and training centres. These colleges are a new type of institution catering initially mainly for those who do not qualify for admission to TVET colleges or universities. Government has committed to increase youth and adult involvement in the community education and training to one million by 2030. These colleges will target post-school youth and adults who wish to raise the base for further learning, improve their skills for employability and/or progression to opportunities in the TVET colleges and university education. In essence, community education and training will offer programmes that contribute to improving community cohesion and social capital, and responsive to the geographic and sectoral needs and challenges. There is a policy from the provision of formal literacy and numeracy to a diversified programme mix which includes formal qualification, occupational qualifications and part qualifications and skills through the establishment of networks and partnerships with community based organisations (CBOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), as well as faith-based organizations (FBOs).
Purpose Plan, develop, implement, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programme assessment practices and systems for community education and training.
Programmes Community education and Training has four sub-programmes: -
Programme Management: Community Education and Training
manages the delegated administrative and financial responsibilities, and coordinates the monitoring and evaluation function of the programme.
Community Education and Training Colleges Systems Planning, Institutional Development and Support supports management and councils, monitors and evaluates the community education and training system performance against set indicators, develops regulatory frameworks for the system, manages and monitors the procurement and distribution of learning and teaching support materials, provides leadership for community education and training colleges to enter into partnerships for the utilisation of infrastructure and funding resources, maps out an institutional landscape for the rollout of the community education and training system, and is responsible for community education and training infrastructure planning and development.
Financial Planning
sets up financial management systems, develops the financial management capacity of
community education and training colleges, manages and determines fair distribution of funding to
community education and training colleges in accordance with funding norms and standards for funding
colleges, monitors compliance with supply chain management policy, and ensures the timely submission of audited performance information, annual financial statements, and quarterly and annual reports.
Education and Training and Development Support
manages and coordinates curriculum development processes; ensures the development of quality learning and teaching materials; monitors and supports the implementation of curriculum statements and assessment regulations; monitors and supports the development of lecturers; provides leadership for
community education and training colleges to diversify their programmes, qualifications and curriculum; and provides leadership for colleges to form partnerships and linkages for programme diversification.
Community education and training resources
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Deputy Director-General Ms Thembisa Futshane Contact +27 12 312 5850 Branch Coordinator James Malesela Telephone +27 (0) 12 312 5189 |
 | Community Education and Training Colleges speak out |
Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande, recently welcomed the first and newly appointed Community Education and Training (CET) Colleges Council members at an Inauguration Ceremony...more
Did you know?
The Community Education and Training branch at the Department of Higher Education and Training was established on 1 April 2016.
ABET, Adult Basic Education and Training, AET, Adult Education and Training, CETCAC Community Education and Training College Administrative Centre, CBO, Community-Based Organisation, CLC Community Learning Centre, CSO, Civil Society Organisation, DHET Department of Higher Education and Training, DoE Department of Education, DoL, Department of Labour, ECD, Early Childhood Development, EMES, Education Management Information System, ETDP Education Training and Development Practices FBO, Faith Based Organisation, FETC ,Further Education and Training Colleges, FET Further Education and Training, GETC, General Education and Training Certificate, HET, Higher Education and Training, HRD, Human Resources Development, IEB, Independent Examinations Board, NDP, National Development Plan, NGO, Non-Governmental Organisation, NPO, Non-Profit Organisation, NQF, National Qualifications Framework, NSDS, National Skills Development Strategy, PALC, Public Adult Learning Centre, PED, Provincial Education Department, SAQA, South African Qualifications Authority, SETA, Sector Education and Training Authority