Office of the Chief Financial Officer
PurposeThe Office of the CFO is responsible to support the Director-General (Accounting Officer) and other senior managers in the execution of their functions in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999, the Treasury Regulations and any other compliance legislative requirements. The goal of the Office of the CFO is to ensure good corporate governance including effective resource management. Its responsibilities include: - the management of the Department's finances
- supply chain management processes
- assets
- support in the management of grants and donor funding
- the monitoring and reporting of public entities
- compliance management.
Office of the Chief Financial Officer Its role is to manage the administration and compliance of the Office of the CFO. Financial Management Directorate
This purpose of this directorate is: - Salary administration
- Examinations, claims and pay-roll management
- Budget and Cash Flow
- Financial Transactions
- BAS and Financial Reporting
- Inspectorate
Supply Chain and Asset Management Chief DirectorateThe role of this Chief Directorate is: - The management and control of the supply chain management in the department
- The management and control over the Department's assets
- Managing supplier contracts.
Development Support DirectorateThe Directorate's role is development of policy and coordination of education and training development support projects: - Evaluate/appraise business plans and recommend for approval before utilisation of funds
- Develop and coordinate approval of Memoranda of Agreements between the Department and local donors
- Facilitate development of grant proposals and secure supporting funds/resources to address short, medium and long-term requirements for identified priorities
- Coordinate National Skills Fund-funded projects for Departmental priorities
- Report to Minister and National Treasury on projects funded by local donors.
Public Entities DirectorateThe role of this Directorate is to: - Provide financial oversight and manage compliance of public entities with regard to Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations and other statutory frameworks:
- Analyses of Quarterly Reports, Annual Reports, Annual Performance Plans and Strategic Plans.
- Request submission of MTEF database in line with MTEF Guidelines.
- Ensure submission of ENE inputs for submission to National Treasury.
- Monitor any statutory compliance requirements.
- Collect data from public entities, update and consolidate banking details.
- Analysis of quarterly reports of public entities.
Internal Audit Unit's role and the Auditor-General (AGSA)The effective functioning of an Internal Audit Unit is critical to support the functions of the Office of the CFO. Although Internal Audit reports directly to the Director-General, it is appropriate to reflect on the work performed by Internal Audit. In addition, the Office of the CFO is also continuously liaising with the Auditor-General and therefore also reflects on their work. The role of Internal Audit is: - To assist the Department to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic disciplined approach to: evaluating and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes
- Perform internal audits on the following systems:
- Risk management systems
- Control systems
- Governance systems.
Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA)The AGSA's role is: -
Responsible to strengthen the country's democracy by enabling oversight, accountability and governance in the public sector through auditing.
Express an opinion on the financial statements.
Perform an audit on the Department's Information Technology Systems.
Express a conclusion in the management report on the usefulness and reliability of the reported performance information for selected programmes, and report the material findings in the auditor's report.
Report on material findings relating to compliance with specific requirements in key applicable legislation, as set out in the general notice issued in terms of the Public Audit Act, 2004 (Act No. 25 of 2004) (PAA).
Office of the Chief Financial Officer | Ms Pretty Makukule Chief Financial Officer Telephone +27 12 312 5079 |
| 2016/17 budget breakdown |
Minister Nzimande says while South Africa’s higher education and training system is grappling with significant challenges and intense public scrutiny, it has had made enormous strides in building post-school education and training the likes of which have never before been seen in South Africa...more
Did you know?
...the budget for 2016/17 is R49.2-billion; this represents an increase of R7.3-billion or 18.0% on the 2015/16 budget.
Budget, Chief Financial Officer, CFO, Officer of the Chief Financial Officer, Financial management, Supply Chain and Asset Management, Development Support, Public Entities, Internal Audit, Auditor-General South Africa, AGSA